When students sit in a classroom and look to the front, they see one teacher. However, the truth is that behind the lessons and their one teacher, is a whole network of educators collaborating to create best classroom environment possible. Professional Learning Networks consist of a wide variety of teachers coming together to share ideas and opinions. PLNs are a way for teachers to have support as well as to better their lessons and teaching style. PLNs do not necessarily have to be within a single school, or even within a grade/subject. They often discuss much wider topics than merely specific educational topics. PLNs can discuss things such as common classroom problems, ideas to create better learning environments, or ways to incorporate technology into the classroom effectively.
This can be beneficial to inexperienced teachers as well as experienced. Inexperienced teachers need mentors and to show them the ropes and to encourage them in their new job. Starting anything new can be intimidating so having a multitude of connections can help ease the stress. Experienced teachers may need new and fresh ideas. After doing the same thing year after year it can become easy to start going through the motions. On the other hand it can be hard to incorporate new technology that has never been used before. PLNs can include new minds that are more experienced with new technology and tactics. PLNs are helpful to everyone.
Technology has greatly enhanced the world of PLNs. Teachers from all over the world can now be a part of my PLN. I use Pinterest to connect with other teachers. I have found so many incredibly clever ideas from it. It is one of my favorite was to communicate and share ideas for teaching. Communication is faster and more accessible to almost everyone because of new technology, enabling things like twitter chats for teachers everywhere. When participating in a twitter chat there were certain things that I liked, but also many things that I didn't. With so many participants it was hard to follow the conversation. However, if I looked hard enough there were some good comments and resources available.
Twitter is a good resource for the classroom itself, not just a way to connect with PLN. I now follow various educators and other teaching resources on twitter. Teachers can also participate in twitter chats to share ideas and get new ideas for the classroom. I follow myEDmatch and Teachers First on twitter. I have also followed Smartbrief Education because I find these to be great resources that will benefit my profession.
One great twitter account that I just love is the kinderkids account. They use it to tweet as a class. This helps the kids with writing full and proper sentences, with assistance and on their own. It also helps them learn how to use and navigate the internet. It allows parents to follow what their children are learning and what they are doing at school. I know my mother would have loved to have that connection my first year in school. I think this is a great idea that I may try as a teacher.
Overall, there are many ways to connect with a PLN through technology. My favorites include blogging, pinterest and in some cases twitter. These do not require time sensitivity, which is a fantastic attribute for teachers. They can also lead to meeting with other teachers in person at conferences or workshops. The opportunities are limitless. :)
To read about more ways to enhance your PLN on Twitter go here:
For 10 great guides to a better PLN go here:
Here is a great video about what a PLN is and how to use it.
Sarah, great article on Professional Learning Networks. I was a little hesitant when my professor announced that we would have to create one. I am a very private person, and a having a PLN meant that I had to branch out. A PLN is a beneficial tool for educators and those studying to be educators.