Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wikipedia Experience

This is the page I edited. 

And this is my username.


I don’t really know how I feel about Wikipedia. I think there is a lot of good information available and from my experience they did a good job of keeping it monitored. However, how do I know that the people who are monitoring certain pages are correct? I contributed valid information to my sight that I got straight from one of my classes here at state. It got taken down quite quickly. Wikipedia could be missing out on good information because some people don’t want edits to their page. I just don’t see Wikipedia as something to fret over because there is no way to know if it’s legitimate. I personally wouldn’t want anyone messing with my work, so I can understand why someone would keep close watch on the edits. I didn’t make any edits after that. I think Wikipedia is a good idea for the most part. However, if I made a page I would lock it so only certain people could edit it. 

After my edits were taken down I looked at the talk page. It said that the beekeeping page was not a “how to” page. I didn’t agree with him. The page talked about the equipment used to beekeep and I expounded on that. It didn’t upset me that he took them down, because I personally don’t like the idea of messing with someone else’s work anyway. I wouldn't want just anyone to do that to me. I never said anything back on the talk page.
I probably won't continue to contribute to wiki pages. I don't see any point in investing my time on something I don't fully support. There is no validity to the accuracy of the information, so I prefer to put my skills elsewhere. I don't plan to use it in my classroom either. I don't want my students to think they can believe just anything they read on the internet. 

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