Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Web 2.0 in the classroom

Web 2.0 is shaping education and providing new opportunities for the classroom. It is changing the way we teach and also creating new resources. With the rise of technology in the schools, the classroom becomes so much bigger. Teachers now have access to teachers around the world. Students can interact with people on the other side of the world. Ideas are being shared faster and in more detail than ever before. The classroom is no longer confined to the white walls of the school, but now has not limits. Students can see videos and images of places they have never been. They can create and contribute to the wide variety of information and materials. This teaches them that it isn't just about consuming what is available to them, but to give back to the world and create something themselves. Students now have an identity outside of their community. This teaches responsibility and shows them how their decisions do make a difference.

 These tools give teachers a way to reach out and access things outside the walls of the school while engaging the students. Web 2.0 (when used properly) pulls teachers away from lecture style teaching and encourages student involvement and interaction. These new tools and resources can give students a voice they didn't have before. Students can communicate with more people through their digital voice. Students can create things that will last longer than paper and have a wider impact than they would in the classroom. Web 2.0 allows students who are shy in class speak out louder than they could ever have without them.

 It also provides professional writing practice and starts building their digital identity in a safe and monitored environment. Students learn about safety online by exposing them to the availability of other people on the internet. This teaches them to be aware of the image their digital footprint shows. When using web 2.0 tools in the classroom teachers can guide students and set guidelines for them. This way they will make good habits that will better protect them later in life. 

My personal favorite web 2.0 tool is blogger, or any other blogging site. Blogs give their users so much freedom to embrace original creation and creativity. It is a great place to share opinions and voice ideas. For students, it gives them their own sense of entitlement. Each person creates their own personal blog that is theirs, and theirs only. They can do whatever they want in it. (Within the guidelines of the assignment.) Students can share videos, pictures, links, their own writing etc. Blogs are more than just writing an essay; it is presented for the whole world to see. They can make it colorful and they make it their own. 

A great way to use a blog is by using it to track the progression of a project. For example, if students were growing a plant in class they could post pictures of it on their blog. Students could also write about how they cared for the plant and what was going on below the soil and what causes it to grow. This is a great way to tie science and English together. :)
Photo Credit to mkhmarketing  <-- During an #edchat talk on twitter web 2.0 tools were discussed and the top 35 to use int the classroom were posted on this site. <-- The Center for Children and Technology researched how Web 2.0 tools are shaping education. This link goes to a report about their findings. 

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